Bridal Party Attendants
The Doll families are eager to help Peg and Pog in planning for the wedding in the Rose Garden. Apparently, it is ‘traditional’ to have attendants in the bridal party! Peg and Pog don’t even know if they want any bridal party attendants at their wedding.
Glenda, Brisbane’s Very Good Celebrant, asks Peg and Pog why they want to have bridal party attendants. Peg and Pog haven’t actually thought about the why, or if they want any, they just think they should!
Checkout the various roles that traditionally, are included in the bridal party.
Peg and Pog learn that the bridal party can consist of just the Bride and Groom! The two witnesses can be guests, and do not need to be in the Bridal Party. Peg and Pog can choose whether or not to have bridal party attendants. Bridal party attendants are optional!
Peg states that she definitely wants flower girls as her bridal party attendants on her wedding day. Pog suggests that his nieces, Pip and Pepper are just right as flower girls.
The Role of the Best Man in the Bridal Party
Pog chooses his brother, Milo, to be his ‘Best Man’ at the wedding of Peg and Pog. Milo feels very honoured to be Pog’s ‘Best Man,’ and wants to be the best, ‘Best Man’ he can be!
However, Pog is not too sure about the responsibilities of a ‘Best Man’, so he asks Peg, the blushing bride-to-be, if she knows. Peg says that Milo’s role, as ‘Best Man,’ is to assist Pog, the Groom, get ready for the wedding.
Although Pog thinks this is a great idea, he is still unclear about what exactly the ‘Best Man’ does. Pog asks Glenda, Best Brisbane Celebrant, for help.
Responsibilities of the Role of Best Man
The responsibilities of the role of ‘Best Man’ vary, and depend on what the rest of the bridal party expect. Glenda, Best Brisbane Celebrant, answers the many questions that Peg & Pog ask.
Pog learns that the wedding party is really a team and that he is not on his own on his wedding day! Peg is happy that Pog’s confidence is lifting, and Milo is happy that his role as ‘Best Man’ really means a lot to Pog. Milo tells Pog that he is thrilled about his ‘active’ role in the wedding.
Milo aims to be the best, ‘Best Man’ for Pog. Being ‘Best Man’ comes with very important responsibilities, and Milo wants to do a great job! Pog needs all the help he can get on his wedding day, and he knows that Milo is just the best ‘Best Man’ for a successful day.