Madame Noscova’s Mission
Madame Noscova’s Moscow Mission is the sixth episode in the micro-series, Dolls are Different…or are they? a pegdoll production. The Doll community has wedding planning fever! Family and friends, both old and new, are busy thinking up ways to contribute to Peg & Pog’s wedding day in the Rose Garden. The suggestions and ideas come thick and fast from family and friends on what should happen on the wedding day.
Madame Noscova, that peculiar Russian ballet teacher, is busy conducting dance lessons for the newly-formed break-dance ballet group, the Beat Belles. Madame Noscova gets caught up in the excitement and insists that there must be dancing at Peg & Pog’s wedding!
Before Peg & Pog know it, Madame Noscova and the Beat Belles decide that they will dance at the wedding! Madame Noscova declares that she must visit the home of the Bolshoi Ballet in Moscow for wedding dance inspiration!
Peg & Pog really do not know what to do!
Wedding Dance Inspiration
Anjeanette, Anjoane, Anlouise, Anmarie, Antenile, and DP, Peg’s little 8-year old brother, form the Beat Belles, and they decide that they also need inspiration. After all, they are the ones who will be dancing!
DP, ever the dedicated artist, stays home to improve on that famous break-dance move, the ‘Orbital Rotation’. This is the move that Pog demonstrates to DP at Peg & Pog’s first meeting in the Rose Garden, and DP is keen to impress with a unique ‘busting’ move.
Madame Noscova and the rest of the Beat Belles take off on their Moscow Mission for inspiration! Adventure, excitement and delightful scenery await the little travellers. They cover long distances in the air, on the water, and over land to reach their destination. They are fearless in the face of danger! Finally, Madame Noscova and the Beat Belles find their inspiration at the Bolshoi Theatre in Moscow. They dance with such grace and skill, and create wonderful dance steps to perform at Peg & Pog’s wedding. Meanwhile, Peg & Pog are trying to be positive and look forward to their wedding day in the Rose Garden.
All dolls and the creator/director/producer etc etc, Brisbane’s Really Good Celebrant, Glenda J Ashleigh, hope that you enjoy Episode 6: Madame Noscova’s Moscow Mission